WONDER WOMAN #6—Oh, I miss the Chiang. Akins doesn’t drop the ball by any means, but Chiang put such an indelible stamp on his first four issues that anyone else has just a hell of a time picking up the pieces. More shenanigans with Hera this time out, as Diana manipulates her fish uncle Poseidon right where she needs him to be in order to get the better of her, I don’t know, wicked stepmother? Not quite, but close enough. Azzarello continues to entertain and never overly explain in this supercollision of Greek myth and the Wonder Woman mythos.
FABLES #114—We start off another arc (well, two, if you count the three-pager at the end) with a clearly malevolent toy tugboat who took me out of the story every single time he was on-panel by bringing to mind Tugger (“Tuggah”) of Foightin’ Round the World!-fame (see: SOUTHPARK 6.05). I’m going to have to get over that. We get another two pages of Bad Sam, a breakout-character-in-the-making if ever there was one, spend a little time with Bigby and Winter, as well as at home with Snow and the rest of the cubs, and really just set the stage for what’s to come. Willingham’s accrued long-term storytelling chops are seriously starting to freak me out.
DAREDEVIL #9—Waid continues to mine greatness from a well-tapped vein with the head-slappingly simple conceit of pitting our intrepid Man Without Fear against that original 616 antagonist, the Mole Man. More gorgeous pages and pitch-perfect characterization via caption dialogue. That first two-page spread from Rivera is as iconic as any shot in this character’s rich history. This run and Hickman over on FF(s) are the reason that I have no chance whatsoever of boycotting Marvel, despite all that righteous Kirby indignation that keeps crackling all up and around.
THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #513—Rhodey has a great entrance and then of course has to take Tony in, because isn’t that always the way. This one’s still earning its $4 cover, but I’d be all right if the fellas wanted to pack it in after another year or so.
X-FACTOR #232—Madrox makes it home! Gets laid! Bad guys from alternate dimensions follow him back! Still no sign of Alex & Lorna! PAD winks at long-time readers!
THE NEW AVENGERS #21—Because nobody demanded it, Clor 2 VS Luke Cage’s Avengers. Deodato certainly draws the hell out of it. I’ve said it before, but really wish Bendis would have left Osborn on the shelf and come up with something new rather than just revisit already-trod ground. Bringing back the Thor clone really drives the point home.
THE AVENGERS #22—Really, Obama? We’re going to make overtures to Osborn, now? I think if Bendis hadn’t already announced that this is his homestretch, if these runs still seemed open-ended, I would bail. But there are just another couple dozen+ $4 singles before he takes his bow. Of course, they’ll get Hickman and I’ll be on the hook for another five+ years.

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